
Ore_no Drupal icon

A blog that introduces the appeal and utilization of Drupal.
It serves as a source of information to broaden awareness in the world to a large audience.

Checking for Deprecated Code with the drupal-check Package

Drupal’s core codebase is always changing, due in part to its contributors always looking to improve Drupal for developers.

Gabriel Seth Ente
Password Protecting a Single Page


Jeffy Lepatan
How to Create Custom Page Programmatically

Drupal is CMS (Content Management System) that is easy to build website.

Renier John Sediego
Rise Up with Drupal Simple XML Sitemap Module

In this competitive generation, we strive to rise to the top, we dream and create a plan - a roadmap that will take us to fulfill our wants and needs.

Jessie Allen Anosa
Progressive Decoupled Drupal

In this modern era, technology still continues to advance and accelerate from time to time, so we people catch up and try to ride these latest trends and apply t

Jessie Allen Anosa
How to Handle Drupal Queues

According to the dictionary , Queue is a verb that makes things lineup or wait .

Renier John Sediego
Creating Custom Tokens in Drupal 9

What are Tokens?

Jeffy Lepatan
Drupal Workbench Content Moderation Setup

"Work smarter, not harder", according to Allen F. Morgenstern, an industrial engineer in 1930.

Gelyn Astillero