Web Consulting

Not only we analyze the current condition of your website, but we also craft a solution specific to your website's needs and support you throughout the process in order for you to use your website optimally.

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    Keeping your goals and the purpose of your websites in mind through interview, we collaborate and brainstorm with you as a team in order to draw up a future plan.

    We plan and suggest mid to long-term strategies while keeping your goals in mind through interview. 

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    We research the market and propose the necessary steps for improving your website’s presence.

    Through researching and analyzing your competition, we will be able to find areas of improvement. Subsequently, we bring attention to the important issues at hand and make clear as to what the priorities should be.

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    By using diverse techniques combining with software, we will be able to analyze from various perspective to verify clients’ data .

    We analyze and investigate the websites' traffic, each visitor's path, the keywords used by visitors, and exit points using various tools. By analyzing the data, it will be assessed numerically, and not just looking at the surface level of information.

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    We prepare a report which will highlight the issues of your website based on our investigation and analysis, as well as a solution for improvements.

    Along with the analysis on your website, we also will prepare a report which emphasizes the problems and the issues that are contrasted with the previous month's data in a clear format. We value prioritizing which problems to be solved first since this method helps your website to be efficiently utilized along with supporting your website through the PDCA cycle.